Monday, January 18, 2010

Just for fun

As I was signing into my blogger account this morning to post something new on the Carter site, I saw, of course, this blog on my list of blogs I contribute to. In all honesty...I don't. I know that blogging is far too intimidating for some, so I'm afraid that even if I did write something, nobody would check it anyway. So, I decided to add a post, and see just how many people (even family members and other contributers) actually look at this blog. As you all know, the family calendar is complete, and I have already teased you with the "November" page on the family website. Now I will share with you another page, and if 5 people comment on it, I will post another page tomorrow, and so on and so forth until Saturday, when they will arrive at my door.. This way I will reveal up to 6 of the remaining months. Sound like fun? No? Well, too bad! You're forced to play along...

If one of you are dying to see another page, you had better call someone else in our family tree to get them to leave a comment as well. This could be fun!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mom's Technologically Advanced!

Well---I made it this far. Don't know how much further I'll get, but hey, it's a first step...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Let's give it a shot!!!

Hey Everyone I was going to set this up a lot more and make it look pretty before I invited you all to join but since Cam let the cat out of the bag I will just invite you all before it is done. So you are all authors on this site (if you got an email) and you should be able to post new things and make comments, whatever you want. It may be strange to do something different than the family website but I thought free is better than 30 dollars. So let me know what you think, it won't hurt my feelings at all.